Quick Start

Get started with Event - set up a pipeline and see your events flow in minutes

The easiest way to get started with Event is to set up a pipeline using the Event Dashboard that sends events between a Source and a Destination.

Follow these steps to set up a pipeline in Event:

Connect a Source

1. Sign up for Event Cloud

2. You will be presented with a Getting Started drawer that opens from the left of the Event dashboard, as shown here:

3. Click Add a Source to set up a data source

For more information on Sources in Event, refer to the Sources guide

4. Choose a data source from the list of available sources. Event supports the following types of Sources:

  • SDKs: Collect your event data from web, mobile, and server-side apps, then route it to a wide array of customer tools and data warehouses.

  • Cloud Apps: Ingest event data from your cloud apps and route it to the desired destinations.

  • Webhooks: ingest custom event data from anywhere via webhooks

  • FTP Servers: ingest data from live FTP servers with full create, update and delete functionality

5. Configure the source by entering the relevant connection settings

6. Once you've configured the data source, you will see the following source details page:

7. Subscribe to the events you'd like to collect from the data source

Step #7 (Subscribing to Events) is critical. Without completing this step, Event won't ingest any data from this source. It is mission control for the Source's event stream.

Connect a Destination

1. Click Add Destination to set up a data destination (for the full list of destinations, see the Destination catalog)

For more information on Destinations in Event, refer to the Destinations guide

2. Choose a data destination from the list of available destinations. Event supports the following types of Destinations:

  • Cloud apps: consume your event data to complement their offering related to payments, marketing, analytics, CRM, etc.

  • Databases: send data in real-time to your database instances or warehouse platforms

  • Webhooks: send data to your system via a unique and fully-managed webhook URL

3. Configure the destination by entering the relevant connection settings

4. Once you've configured the data destination, you will see the following destination details page:

Create a Pipeline

1. Click Create Pipeline to spin up a new data pipeline

2. Give your new pipeline a name

3. Select a pre-connected source

4. Select the subscribed events you'd like to use as the pipeline's trigger

5. Select the destination you'd like to send data to

6. Select the action to use when sending data

7. Apply an Extraction to enrich the stream data with data from other places (optional)

For more information on Extractions in Event, refer to the Extractions guide

8. Apply a Transformation function to shape the data according to the destination (optional)

For more information on Transformation in Event, refer to the Transformations guide

9. Apply additional pipeline policies, like a retry policy if your pipeline fails (optional)

For more information on Policies in Event, refer to the Policies guide

10. Click Create

Last updated